العيادة التخصصية لجراحة الأنف والأذن و الحنجرة

Dental Solutions Center
Dental Solutions Center was established in early 2018. A comprehensive dental center serving all dental specialties.
At Dental Solutions Center we have all specialties of dental care. This includes conservative dentistry, endodontics, surgery, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, and periodontics.
Our vision:
We at Dental Solutions Center do not treat teeth, we treat HUMANS with teeth. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive strategy for treating each case. Therefore, we believe in team work to offer the best dental treatment possible. The patient must leave dental solutions center feeling happy, that is our goal.
Alo Alo

Al Ofoq Radiology Center
CT scan

Nuclear Medicine Center
Nuclear Medicine
Bone Density
The Department of Nuclear Medicine and Osteoporosis conducts various nuclear images using isotope, such as imaging of the bones, thyroid, heart, kidneys, lungs, full body scans, etc. Patients are given therapeutic doses to the thyroid gland using the radioactive iodine (131) inside the section, where the dose does not exceed 30 mCi (30 mCi). If the patient needs a larger dose, it is given in the isolation chamber.
The Center also conducts a full positronic photography (PET/CT scan)

Dr. Jamil Shaaban Clinic
Specialized center in Gynecology and Infertility Diseases under the supervision of Dr. Jamil Shaaban in Jordan Hospital.

norhanni clinic