
Profile Description

Doctor Yaman Altal is an urologist consultant in Amman

Plan your medical appointment with MedXJordan, experienced urologists specializing in diverse conditions, your safe way to get high quality treatment

  • Genital Dermatology
  • Laparoscopic Urology
  • Pediatric Urology
  • Renal Transplant Surgery
  • Uro-Gynecology
  • Uro-Oncology
  • Urology
  • The British Fellowship
Professional Highlights

Consultant of Urology, Kidney & Sterility Surgery / British Board

Fellowship of Oncology Surgeons, Kidneys and Robot / London

The European board of sexual medicine, masculinity and implantation

The only one in Jordan who has a strict specialty in sexual medicine and surgery

More than ten years experience in Britain

Doctor of Urolog

Consultant of Urology, Kidney & Sterility Surgery / British Board

Fellowship of Oncology Surgeons, Kidneys and Robot / London

The European board of sexual medicine, masculinity and implantation

The only one in Jordan who has a strict specialty in sexual medicine and surgery

More than ten years experience in Britain

Doctor of Urology

Andrology diseases and pillars of erection
